Saturday, December 28, 2013


What's up all? I just recently starting doing a 'Let's Play' of the new sandbox game called Starbound. In Starbound you start out in a ship orbiting an unknown planet. Your ship is out of fuel so you need to go down to the planet and collect fuel.

Sounds pretty simple, but it's not! You get what is called a 'matter manipulator,' which allows you to chop down trees, move rocks, dig tunnels, and anything else your heart desires. You can then build houses from simple to elaborate. If you ever played the game Teraria Starbound is very similar. They are both unique in their own way though. I highly reccomend picking both up.

Here is part one of my 'Let's Play,' of Starbound:

Hope you enjoy it, and thanks for reading!

- AJ

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Path of Exile

I decided to start doing a Path of Exile 'Let's Play' video series. This is my first narrated video series that I've done, so it is more of an experiment than anything. Let me know what you guys think, appreciate it! Parts 3, 4, and 5 should be up in the next couple days.

Path of Exile is a hack and slash game very similar to Diablo 2. It's been called what 'Diablo 3' should have been. It is also a free game through Steam. (Or via their website.)  They make their money through micro-transactions so be sure to try it out... after all it's free!

The best part about this is game is the customization. The skill tree is ridiculous, and I mean ridiculous. There are over a thousand passive skills to customize your character with. On top of that there are also tons of active skills and supplemental skills to allow you to customize even further.

Part One:

Part Two:

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Donkey Kong Country 3 - Krevice Creepers

I don't what it is about this level but when I played through it I knew I had to play it again, and again. Something about the music and the atmosphere. It really seems to pull together the Donkey Kong games for Super Nintendo.

What do you think? What's your favorite Donkey Kong level?

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Power of Music - Part Two

As I stated in a previous post, I LOVE music. Especially music that has some significance to me. I first got into World of Warcraft my senior year in high school. (2005) I had no idea what to expect and I was a big fan of Warcraft 2, and Warcraft 3 games so I figured I would like it.

Boy, was I right. I practically became obsessed with Warcraft. I wanted my Tauren Druid to be the best there ever was! There were a few times where I called into work just to play Warcraft all day. ( I know, it's sad!)

While playing my Tauren Druid I disliked Orgimmar. Don't really know why but I just didn't like the feeling of it. So, I spent all of my time in Thunderbluff. Because of all that time spent there every time I hear the Thunderbluff song I am taken back to those all nighters with my Tauren.

Those were the days! Stay up all night and explore the World of Warcraft. So many good memories, and this music takes me right back!

Video/Music of Thunderbluff below:

Thanks for reading!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gaming Stories - Episode One

Hello all! Figured I would share some gaming stories with you. No one particular game or anything like that, but just some good times I had.

This story is all about Starcraft. My friends and I played this game like mad back in middle school. (1999-200) There was one game where we were doing a 4 vs 4 in a money map. I forget the name of the map but it was the one 4 on the north side and 4 on the south side.

I was playing with a friend of mine and we were going to work together to win the game. Well, the game started and we realized we were on opposite teams. Since we couldn't work together we figured why not have some fun and do some interesting builds?

Well, as Zerg I decided to mass overlords. When I say mass overlords, I mean MASS overlords. There is no population limit on Overlords as they do not count as a population. So, you can build over the 200 limit. This resulted in swarms of overlords doing absolutely no damage.

Fast forward to mid game and my friend's team is being decimated by my team. My overlords occasionally fly over the enemy's base to cloud their view, but other than that I'm not doing much. It's not looking good for his team two of his teammates have left and the other is being destroyed.

Fast forward a bit more and my friend is the only member remaining on this team. All he has left is a lone drone trying to escape. He whispers to me that he has one drone left and he is going to hide a hatchery. I reply back 'Ok.'

I then begin looking for his drone. I find it with one overlord. Once I found it I sent my entire swarm of overlords to the drone's location and announced to my whole team, 'GUYS HE'S OVER HERE!'

Needless to say, my friend wasn't too happy with me after that. Still something we joke about today though!

This pic obviously isn't from that game, but it gives you an idea:

The Power of Music

Music has always had a great effect on me. If I hear a certain piece of music it will instantly take me right back to my greatest memories associated to that song. A lot of these songs that have this affect on me are from video games. Countless hours gaming with friends, by myself, or with my father.

One particular song gets me every time is 'Chicago' from Perfect Dark 64. My dad got laid off when I was about thirteen years old. When he had his job he was always traveling and I hardly ever saw him. When he was laid off it was bizarre. He was always home!

Since he was home we got into playing Perfect Dark 64 multiplayer together. I would put all of the settings together and off we would go. I couldn't stand any of the music in Perfect Dark except for the 'Chicago' track. So, I had it repeat constantly. No other was allowed to play.

My father and I played tons and tons of hours in the Combat Simulator. It's been fifteen years since those days but every time I hear that song play I'm instantly brought back to playing Perfect Dark 64 with my father.

Song below:

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Boo the Ghost

I've been playing Super Mario 64 while my nineteen month old daughter sits on my lap. She just LOVES to watch Mario run around and find all of the stars. It started out as me just wanting to show her Mario but now every time I get home from work she comes up to me and says, "Game? Game? Game?"

We start up the game and right when Mario says, "It's me Mario," my daughter screams back "HI!" As much as she loves Mario she loves Boo the Ghost even more. I thought she would be scared of the Boo character so I stayed away from that level but as soon as she saw Boo she started waving and blowing kisses to him.

She learned the word 'Boo' right away and whenever she sees him she just keeps repeating, "Boo... Boo... Boo! Hi Boo!" It's such a neat feeling to have her enjoying the same games that I did eighteen years ago. Hard to believe that in a few years she'll be playing them all by herself.

Thanks for reading,

Mario Party - Mini Games

Ok, this is quite the challenge that I gave myself but I am promising to upload ALL of Mario Party One's mini games as individual videos. Most current uploads I saw had all of them in one giant video, this makes it difficult to scroll through and find that one mini-game that you are looking for.

So, I set myself the goal and we'll see how it goes! I've got about thirty videos so far. Once I am done with Mario Party one I will move on to Mario Party two and so on. The hope is to get as many mini-games on my channel as I can.

Link to the playlist:
Mario Party Mini Games

Thanks for reading all!

Lenore's Adventures

I recently started playing around with RPG Maker XP. It's a neat little program that allows you to make your own Role Playing Game. It comes with per-determined sprites and tile sets. The design of the levels and the scripting is left up to you. Fairly intuitive as well, I've done some basic scripting on some other games and it's very easy to pick up.

For my first 'game' I decided to make it play out as a video or episode. So, instead of actively playing the game it is seen as an episode to a series. At first I just started making cities/villages with no real aim or direction but as I dug into it I made enough for one episode, and eventually a second episode.

Given, both episode one and episode two only add up to about nine minutes of actual footage I still think I'm at a good start.

Let me know what you think!

Episode one:

Episode two:

Thanks all!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest

OK, so recently I did a play through of one of my favorite Super Nintendo games, Donkey Kong Country 2. Even though this games ranks in my top five games from the nineties, I had never gotten past the first couple worlds. I made it a mission of mine to beat this game. I didn't care about the one hundred percent completion, I just wanted to say that I finished the game. This was easier said, than done.

I struggled on a few levels, but no more than ten to fifteen tries and I would get the level scheme down and fly through the level with my eyes closed. The real challenge was the last boss, K. Rool. (Yeah, I know it's a ridiculously bad pun.)

I spent six hours trying to beat this last boss. Let me repeat, SIX HOURS trying to destroy this crocodile pirate. The first time I attempted it I only played for an hour until I got so frustrated that I rage quit. A few days later I decided to spend my Friday night playing holding my sleeping daughter in my arms and playing Donkey Kong.

I started playing at around nine and kept on playing until after midnight... all with hardly any progress. I had made it past the first phase of the battle but I would ALWAYS screw up the second phase.

After four hours of work I had finally seen the third and last phase of the battle. It was glorious, I was within reach! I could finally tell my eight year old self that we had completed the game! Well, as I was basking in awe of my achievement I sat there blankly as the cannon ball flew right into my monkey's face.

It was now after midnight, but I was determined to beat this damn boss once and for all! I started it up again and blew past the first two phases without a hiccup. Hah! They were nothing! I was now at the dreaded third phase. I just had to get three more hits in and this bastard was mine.

Well, another hour passed and all I had to show for it was failure. Given, I had learned memorized everything that could possibly happen in the third stage, but the final completion eluded me.

I decided to try it one more time before bed, as it was now after one am. I loaded it up and breezed past the first two phases. I was now at the final phase and I could feel my heart pounding harder. (Seriously, my heart was pounding!) I got the first hit in, than the second, and than the third! It was over, I had won!!

WAIT, what's this? The freaking gator launches one last cannon ball before he dies? and I didn't jump?!!?! The last ditch cannonball hit my poor monkey and knocked her to the ground only to see the alligator fall to the ground as well. Words cannot describe how angry I was. I had done it, the gator was dead... but so was I. I decided that enough was enough and headed up to bed. I figured that if I slept on it and tried it again in the morning I could do it.

Lo and behold, I started it up Saturday morning the FIRST time and I kicked that gator's ass. He didn't know what hit him!!  I would like to say that it was a perfect battle and that everything was timed just right, but it wasn't. Not at all, I feel like it was dumb luck that I actually won. But, who cares... I did it, and that is all that matters. I felt accomplished. I wasn't able to get past the second boss as a kid and now fifteen years later I beat the game!

So, as you watch this video on my dual with the K. Rool keep in mind that this took six hours of work to produce this video.

Thanks for reading


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Elder Scrolls - Morrowind

I've always been a big fan of the Elder Scrolls games. The very first game I played by Bethesda was The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. At the time I was an avid reader of  the PC Gamer magazine. After reading some first looks and reviews of Morrowind I knew I had to have it for my X-Box. See below pictures for a 'Morrowind' first look from PC Gamer.

Click here for Morrowind First Look! (IMGUR)

At the time I was fourteen years old, but I had saved up enough money from babysitting to buy it. Yes, I baby sat. I'm going a bit off-topic here but the kid I baby sat was really into sports and playing outdoors. Well, when I was babysitting I put a stop to that! I brought over all the best computer games and introduced him to the world of gaming. Why go outside when you can game? Why explore nature when you can explore it from your desk?

I had given my mother the money and told her when the game would be released. She said that she would pick it up on her lunch break. Lo and behold release day comes and the store my mother goes to is sold out. I was distraught! I had been anxiously awaiting my mother's return from work only to be sorely dissapointed. 

After a week of waiting I finally get a hold of Morrowind. Words could not describe how excited I was. I popped it into my X-Box and started her up. The thing I will always remember about Morrowind is the intro music... nothing else like it. It was so distinct. (Music Video below.)

Once you start the game you find that you are on a the bottom level of a boat and there is a curious looking fellow staring at you asking for your name. This curious fellow was named Jiub... and I have never trusted him. Don't ask me why, but he seems like a shady fellow.

I mean just look at him. Who the hell is that ripped? Especially if he is surviving off of  prisoner rations. Also, he is completely hairless and as my father always said never trust the hairless.

Anywho, the guards eventually release you from your captivity with Jiub. They instruct you to go to the top floor of the boat and to work your way to the census office. One of the awe inspiring parts of playing this game was getting to the top floor of the boat and just looking at the sky. I had seen nothing else like it, it almost looked life like!

That entire summer I did nothing, and I mean nothing, but play Morrowind. I was too young to drive, or have a real job so I spent my days playing Morrowind. Given, that my brother and I would have to share the X-Box but when I was not playing I was looking up strategy guides or tips and tricks on the game.

My brother would always stay up throughout the night playing. I knew this, so I would get up at five to six am the next morning right when he was going to sleep. That would give me a solid eight to ten hours of gaming time.

I have so many great memories from this game and half the time I played I wasn't even completing  quests or story lines. I just spent the time exploring the gigantic world and looking for treasures or tougher enemies. Morrowind is one of those games that you will start playing and in a blink of an eye ten hours have passed. It is truly a master piece.

I'll add some more stories from Morrowind at a later date.

Thanks for reading!


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magicka Obscura

This is by far one of the best, if not the best, single player role playing games in existence. I have never found another game quite like it. I picked it up on a whim when I was fourteen years old and perusing the Wal-Mart video game section. The cover art on the box is what drew me in, see for yourself:

Once I got it installed and got it fired up I was a little overwhelmed. The character creation offers so many options from beauty, charisma, willpower, trap disarmament, gambling, necromancy, and so on. See below.

I had no idea where to start so I made a half-ogre with knowledge in melee. I started the game and went through the typical intro movies. After a few minutes I was finally ready to play! Well, come to find out Half-Ogres have very low intelligence... and the Arcanum NPCs will treat you differently because your character is imbecile. I was not aware of this, but it made for a hilarious first character. There is a video below showing NPC's reactions to a retarded character.

So, I played for a while as the dumb character... but I ended up getting a little bored with it so I decided to make a new character that could solve simple arithmetic. This time I decided on a gnome wizard. I saw there was an ability to summon creatures to fight for you so I maxed that out as much as I could. I figured summoning two ogres to protect me would work out pretty well.

This build worked out quite well. Whenever anything would attack me I would summon two ogres and then run and hide while they took care of business. I did my first play through of this game as that character.

After I beat the game I promptly went back and created a whole new character with all different possibilities. Don't want a gnome summoner? How about a Dwarf gunsmith who specializes in making high tech armor? Or, how about a hafling with a deadly bow and arrow?

If you haven't played Arcanum before I reccomend geting it now! It can be bought on, or on E-Bay. If you were a fan of the original Fallout games, Baldur's Gate, or IceWind Dale you will love Arcanum.

Also... you can have sex with a sheep!

Thanks for reading!


Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest

I recently finished a play through of the Super Nintendo game Donkey Kong Country 2. If I could sum up my childhood gaming in one game this would be it. I spent so many hours playing the same ten levels over and over again.

The neighbor kids and I would all come to my house and we would take turns trying to beat the first few levels. Yes, I know, we sucked. None the less I have so many great memories from this game in particular. I was the oldest kid in our group and they all looked to me to beat the 'tough' levels.

The below video is one of the most frustrating and enjoyable levels from Donkey Kong Country 2. (It also has the best music in the game.) David Wise is a genius!

Z versus A - Classic Gaming

Hey all!

Z versus A classic gaming will feature posts on all of the older games I played in years past. I would play these games as a kid and always get so frustrated that I would just give up and move on to the next game. I've made it a goal of mine to play through all of these games and to beat the final boss. I am not doing 100% play-through as I still don't have that much patience!

Feel free to visit my YouTube channel as well, as all new videos will be posted to the Z versus A channel.

Thanks for reading