Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gaming Stories - Episode One

Hello all! Figured I would share some gaming stories with you. No one particular game or anything like that, but just some good times I had.

This story is all about Starcraft. My friends and I played this game like mad back in middle school. (1999-200) There was one game where we were doing a 4 vs 4 in a money map. I forget the name of the map but it was the one 4 on the north side and 4 on the south side.

I was playing with a friend of mine and we were going to work together to win the game. Well, the game started and we realized we were on opposite teams. Since we couldn't work together we figured why not have some fun and do some interesting builds?

Well, as Zerg I decided to mass overlords. When I say mass overlords, I mean MASS overlords. There is no population limit on Overlords as they do not count as a population. So, you can build over the 200 limit. This resulted in swarms of overlords doing absolutely no damage.

Fast forward to mid game and my friend's team is being decimated by my team. My overlords occasionally fly over the enemy's base to cloud their view, but other than that I'm not doing much. It's not looking good for his team two of his teammates have left and the other is being destroyed.

Fast forward a bit more and my friend is the only member remaining on this team. All he has left is a lone drone trying to escape. He whispers to me that he has one drone left and he is going to hide a hatchery. I reply back 'Ok.'

I then begin looking for his drone. I find it with one overlord. Once I found it I sent my entire swarm of overlords to the drone's location and announced to my whole team, 'GUYS HE'S OVER HERE!'

Needless to say, my friend wasn't too happy with me after that. Still something we joke about today though!

This pic obviously isn't from that game, but it gives you an idea:

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