Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Power of Music

Music has always had a great effect on me. If I hear a certain piece of music it will instantly take me right back to my greatest memories associated to that song. A lot of these songs that have this affect on me are from video games. Countless hours gaming with friends, by myself, or with my father.

One particular song gets me every time is 'Chicago' from Perfect Dark 64. My dad got laid off when I was about thirteen years old. When he had his job he was always traveling and I hardly ever saw him. When he was laid off it was bizarre. He was always home!

Since he was home we got into playing Perfect Dark 64 multiplayer together. I would put all of the settings together and off we would go. I couldn't stand any of the music in Perfect Dark except for the 'Chicago' track. So, I had it repeat constantly. No other was allowed to play.

My father and I played tons and tons of hours in the Combat Simulator. It's been fifteen years since those days but every time I hear that song play I'm instantly brought back to playing Perfect Dark 64 with my father.

Song below:

Thanks for reading!

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